God’s In Control
On Humility
When I attend a formal gathering, I choose a seat within my “comfort zone”. Not too cold and easy to gain access to the door if I decide to leave early, without having to gather too much attention,if i feel not engaged with what was happening during the event. The only time I sit near the front is when I am a speaker or I have an important role to play in the program.
I am not being choosy nor snotty in any way. It is not because I am humble either; but because I am practical, I think. But of course, in a wedding feast, it is good to seat at the main table where you are served food without having to queue up for the buffet.
Admittedly, I need lessons in humility, being a white-knuckled, not-easy-to-let-go, control-freak myself. When things go awry, especially when some rules are disobeyed, my temper gets the better of me, which frequently end up in a banter of hurtful words. Words. Actions. Things that I later on, regret.
Being in control has always been my way of dealing with everything, in relationships and work situations. I rationalize it as being realistic, but I now realize it more about Pride. It feeds my self-esteem and ego to control everything; which often leads to frustration. The only thing I can control is my reaction to things, my humble acceptance that I am not God. I can do my best, and just offer everything to God, whose Divine Plan will bring everything to its perfect resolution.
Image by PopTika via Shutterstock
Lord, teach me the humility to accept the things that I cannot control. When things are in disarray, let me pause and entrust things to Your wisdom and providence. Especially at this time of upheaval, teach me the humility to accept the daily events which are beyond my control. I pray with fervent faith and trust that my heavenly Father indeed has everything under His loving direction, Amen.
Image by Jude Beck via Unsplash
About the Guest Author: J.M. Lumitao is a professor and past Chair of the Departments of Anatomy and Bioethics at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, and a former secretary of the Southeast Asian Center for Bioethics. She is also a co-author/editor of “Beyond a Western Bioethics: Voices from the Developing World (Clinical Medical Ethics)”; author of Lector’s Guide in Proclaiming God’s Word Year A, B, C and Sa Puso ng Lumang Tipan 1, 2 and 3. She served as Lector/Commentator of the Sacred Heart Parish Shrine in the Philippines since 1989 and Head of the 4 S program (Sacred Heart Sacred Scripture Study) of the parish since 2011 to present.