You are not broken.
You are healing. There is a difference.
You are not broken.
I’m learning to heal as I let go..
When life handed me that sucker punch, at first I thought I was Broken. I thought that I have to pick up the pieces and put my life back together. Tried but I couldn’t shake off that feeling that I’m not complete. That being broken, I’m not good enough that I will never be good enough even I get all the pieces back.
Healing, not broken.
There was a period of time when I thought I was having writer’s block, but I woke up one morning with a writing prompt: You Are Not Broken. I started with that.
Letting go.
Healing: means stripping away of the non-essentials. I don’t have to pick up pieces of me. I only have to slowly peel away things that no longer serve me. Letting go of things that don’t serve me and the readiness to accept what life has to offer (making room, allowing space).

Stripping Off of Non-Essentials
Here are some of the areas we usually need to let go in order to accept all life has to offer:
1. The Need to Be Perfect
The need to be an overachiever. The need to gain more and more knowledge (the more letters after my name the better). The need to have something unique and valuable up my sleeves to be ahead of everyone.
2. The Need for Control
I thought I have control over my life not knowing, life has been controlling me. Things always change, where I needed to readily need to adapt and adjust.
3. The Perception of Success and Money
Growing up under a household where your worth is measured by your grades, achievements, accolades, success, and how much you make, I was a textbook successful child. I started working as a Physical Therapist after graduating from college and worked my way up. But as I grew older, my perception of success and money has changed. Money is just a form of energy that we give and take; I am at a point in my life where I never use the money that I make as a measure of my success. I would like to quote Thomas L. Odem Jr. here: “If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart.Then in living - I have made my mark.” Success for me is having to go to bed at night knowing I’ve made at least one person breathe better.
4. Toxic Energies
Diet, negative thoughts, toxic relationships. Yes, I have lost quite a few things including relationships and partnerships, but I stood my ground of authenticity. In return I have gained so much more— authentic connections who actually see me and honor me for who I really am.
5. Fear
This is the killer of all! Fear - of the unknown, if I’m making the right decisions; that I’m not good enough. Sometimes, this still keeps me awake at night.

“I sometimes think of myself as a vessel. I can’t take anything if my vessel is full of yesteryear’s gunk. Things that I need to pour out to make room for fresh thoughts and ideas. So as I let go of things that no longer serve me I make room for things that do.”
— Anna Evans

Things I’ve learned to make space for:
1. Self-Identity
Who I am, my purpose, my truth, what I stand for (principles- Authenticity, Integrity, Accountability, Indomitable Spirit). That’s how Boundless Authenticity came into fruition. I want to share my truth. I invite others to share their truths as well. My link became a “springboard “ to catapult other writers into owning their link or book using their innate abilities and work with authenticity.
2. Self-Worth
My self-worth is not equal to money. I am enough. I’m done with recognitions. I’m done with accolades. I am not the number of “Likes” or “followers” on social media. I learned that I Matter. My stories matter. That what I can give the world, my purpose, my intentions and my goals will not be for nothing. That I am worthy of love, and joy, and everything that the Universe has to offer.
3. Self-Care
Caring for my body, mind, and soul. Yes, I have had instances of body harm and ideations but I’ve learned that I don’t have to damage my body, ruin my mind, and sell my Soul to the highest bidder in order to gain success.
4. Listen to My Body
I’ve spent 50 years of my life listening to other people’s opinion. Listening to my mind’s criticism that I’m not good enough. That I have to be more. When all along, my body has been screaming in anguish. The cells in your body reacts to what your mind says. Negativity can affect your immune system. I have an autoimmune disorder. It’s where my own immune system is actually attacking my own nucleus. My own core. You know what that means? My antibodies, those things that are supposed to protect me are attacking my nucleus. I have taken too much in. It’s time to let it all go. Rest up if I need to and listen to my gut/intuitions. I’ve also learned to UNPLUG if I needed to. I know my audience, my followers will still be there when I come back.
5. Resilience
The ability to adapt and adjust my sails to whatever life throws at me.
6. Humility to Ask for Help
When my kids started to college, there are 2 advise that I give them: Find your tribe and find a mentor. Tribe- I am an introvert so my circle is small to conserve whatever energy I have in me. I also have a mentor who has been a great guide and support throughout my journey.
7. Accountability
Always show up no matter how small the task. When you make a commitment, you make sure you follow up on your commitment. Own up when you make a mistake. Boundless Authenticity means telling your truth no matter how different it is from anybody else. Be truthful. Show integrity. Boundless- the truth knows no boundaries of culture, of beliefs, of spirituality. Truth just is. And if you cannot accept it upon yourself you cannot accept it upon others.
8. Integrity
Dictionary: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness; the state of being whole and undivided. That’s why I know I’m not broken. I’m still whole, I just have to let go of all that baggage that I have accumulated over the years.
9. Indomitable Spirit
Don’t be afraid. Have the audacity to tell the Universe what it is that you truly want. My Vision: To create an inspiring legacy of innate authenticity My Mission: To be a healing force for good as we engage with our stories of Boundless Authenticity. We look beyond any limits of background, culture, or spiritual beliefs, as we share and listen to each others’ truths, hoping that through our connection beyond time and space, we will eventually be set FREE. I want that freedom.
10. Trust the Process
Let it go. Soften your gaze. I claim my stake as a Child of the universe. The Universe always has my back. Just let everything flow. Live with pure intentions. Look at life with a soft gaze so you can see the real beauty of what is.
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