“I Didn’t Know You Could Write!”
My Creative Process
I’ve been hearing that a lot, now that I’ve been publishing my blogs on social media.
I’ve been an artist for as long as I can remember. An incident in my childhood stunted it when I was told, "You cannot make money being an artist, you know" while I was showing off a painting I just did. So I moved on to a "more acceptable career ambition".
"You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight." ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
In my adult life, I began to harness my creativity through writing in my journals. Poems most times. And drawings.
I do draw artworks. Here's a raw sample of the work I did while heading home from our Smokey’s summer vacation 8 years ago. I mostly use graphite, carbon, and charcoal.
Shadowplay by A.M. Evans 8/20/11 ©
Shadowplay by A.M. Evans 8/20/11 ©
I've been writing more often now while recuperating and resting. When in bed, not being able to sleep, there are a lot of thoughts swirling in my mind. I try not to think of negative thoughts and so I play around with creative thoughts and ideas. I usually write them down right away. Sometimes, they get buried in the "Drafts" section on my website. Then inspiration comes along. So I grab my laptop to complete the work.
“God never slams a door in your face without opening a box of Girl Scout cookies.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
I have written in my previous blog, "If You Build it, They Will Come", how panicked I get when it comes to monetizing what I do. It just makes sense putting a price on my work. Of course, I don't want my family to starve. But that's not why I write. I hope I am speaking for my fellow artists when I say that there is a higher calling that our creations respond to.
" The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them." ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
Here’s the thing. Creativity doesn’t stop at writing. Creativity is what one specially does given the tools you have to work with. A physical therapy guru once said: The amount of creativity in a therapy department is indirectly proportional to the amount of equipment you have in that clinic. When you have a great idea in your job (no matter what it is-- from construction to healthcare) and you put it into action, that's creativity.
We all possess creativity. I believe it's just a matter of how, when, and why you use it. Sometimes it is difficult to show what we can really do because of fear. Fear of criticism. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of not making enough money. Fear of losing money. Fear of "not having a real job".
I have come to love writing more and more everyday. Publishing it and posting it on social media is always a thrill. I don't get a lot of likes nor comments, nor engagements in my posts...yet. But I keep on writing anyway. I keep on showing up. Because my creativity is a gift from my Divine Source. Because all the ideas in my head are worth more than the fear of putting it out in public. My thoughts and ideas and the effort I put on them are worth more than what the eyes can see. Not just in my writings and my artwork, but in whatever job I do.
I liked how Elizabeth Gilbert spoke about how she deals with her creative process on TED Talk: "...Don't be afraid. Don't be daunted. Just do your job. Continue to show up for your piece of it, whatever that might be. If your job is to dance, do your dance. If the divine, cockeyed genius assigned to your case decides to let some sort of wonderment be glimpsed, for just one moment through your efforts, then "Olé!" And if not, do your dance anyhow. And "Olé!" to you, nonetheless. I believe this and I feel that we must teach it. "Olé!" to you, nonetheless, just for having the sheer human love and stubbornness to keep showing up."
So I will keep on showing up in spite of what is going on with my life. Stubborn? Maybe. Human love? Definitely!
Photo by OVAN on Pexels.com
***Originally published December 14, 2019
***For Elizabeth Gilberts TED Talk about "Your Elusive Creative Genius, please go to this link: https://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_your_elusive_creative_genius