In The Eye of The Storm
Image by Kat Jayne via
I was in the waiting room at the doctor's office when I heard this song. They always play Christian music but I never paid attention because I'm on my phone on social media. But that day, I heard the song and took note of a couple of lines.
"In the eye of the storm, You remain in control." ~ Ryan Stevenson
Those were the only lyrics I heard before I was called in.
If you've lived long enough in Florida, you'll learn about hurricanes and storms' activity. Here's a simple pitch...
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Looks scary, doesn't it? But if you look in the middle, there's this small circle, which we call the "eye of the storm". Just around that circle, you can see a tighter arrangement of clouds. That is where the storm winds are at their strongest. So when a hurricane or a storm landfalls, it starts out with strong winds. Depending on how slow or fast the storm moves, the winds get heavier to that point of those tight cloud arrangements, where the storm is at its strongest point. And then a sudden CALM. That is when you know you are in the EYE OF THE STORM. That's when some people come out from their homes and inspect for damages. It can last minutes or even an hour depending on the size of the eye. Sometimes the sun even appears for a period of time. Then heavy winds begin again until it dissipates. NOTE: The smaller the eye of the storm, the shorter the "calm" period is, and the stronger the inner bands surrounding the eye.
Sometimes, that's how life presents itself. The storm comes subtly but insidiously. Then come the really strong winds, when you either make sure all your forts are holding strong or hide in the home bunker until the wind slows down. Then comes the CALM. The EYE OF THE STORM. A moment of respite from all the winds and rain and debris that Life has been throwing at you. That's when you observe the damage that your life's storm has wrought by far.
"In the eye of the storm, You remain in control" (RS)
YOU (whatever you name YOU- God, or Divine Source, or Higher Power, or just plain Hey, you) remain in control. The "YOU" who have been in control the whole time is the same "YOU" in control of the calm, where YOU let the light in, even for a short period of time. But that short period of time when you see the light comes hope. Until the "other side of the eye" hits. And still, “YOU” remain in control.
Sometimes, during the heaviest storms in your life, you let "YOU" in control. It's when you surrender to what is and make sure your "forts" hold. Sometimes, you hide in your bunker (in the case of Floridians, some strong structure in the middle of the house, preferably in the bathtub). With all the storms in your life, you have gotten used to surrendering to "YOU".
Then comes the damning self-inquiry: How often do you let "YOU" remain in control in the eye of the storm. DURING CALMNESS. When you stay quiet and have a million things running through your head. Did I remember to's. Dilemmas. Obstacles. Issues. Fears. Doubts.
It's easy to ask "YOU" when you're in a state of uncertainty. Besides, we have our “prayer warriors”. Just post in social media and "thoughts and prayers" come pouring in.
But in the silent of the moment, how much of "YOU" do you allow to take control? How much LIGHT, no matter how short the moment, do you allow to shine through?
This morning I have had that revelation. From a teacher. From a friend. From a mentor. The realization of how much I let "YOU" in control when I'm in the "silence" swiped at me unawares.
How much am I really PRESENT? How often do I really LISTEN? How much do I have a real CONNECTION with my "YOU"?
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"As I got more and more quiet, that I can access my fears and my doubts...I'm just being PRESENT...
As I stay there in the presence and allowing, and as I sit with my fears and doubts, this overwhelming sense of peace came to me, that no matter what, no matter what fear and doubt are there...I can get through it. I can handle it. And the LIGHT is always stronger than any doubt or fear...
I realized I had been running from those inner doubts and fears; and when I get present, it got really, really small.
And the light was able to overshine it, but it's not from a place of force. It was from a place of real Spirit Connection...
The LIGHT is much bigger and grander than any doubt or fear you may have." ~ ~Rev.Cynthia Alice Anderson / Backyard Sanctuary: You Can Handle It
Being Present.
Letting the Light In.
Knowing that my "YOU' is bigger than my doubts and fears.
BIG LESSONS I have yet to master...
***This post was originally published by the author on 12/11/2019 at