Stay Inspired
Image by pinkiesandlilies ©
When my mind is in a whirl, I write. When my heart flares, I write. When I feel empty, I write. When I ask and sort things out, I write.
I write to make sense of emotions, put a name to the thought, answers to the questions. I write when I’m tired of reality, or when I want to retreat from having to carry my whole life, and escape to the tenderness of snow falling on a wintry night, or the excitement of watching a swarm of fireflies dancing on a warm summer dusk.. and to just BE against a vanilla sky. Clean, simple, calm.
Writing is my spiritual whitespace - that blank, empty space I confide to, and photographing the world is my grace and my provision. It is how I stay inspired.
Image by pinkiesandlilies ©
But inspiration is a playful and fickle friend. It tugs at your heartstrings as it wears out your soul. And many times, the pauses are long and awkward - the kind that flows through your fingers leaving you grasping and empty. But at its best, it is the kind that spills into your hands - warm, tingling, and full.
There are times when things are bitterly hard, bone-weary and utterly disappointing. These are the fading days we all have. And it is in these moments when we would rather dull our emotions, abandon our passions, forget our curiosities and intrigues, mute our conscience, and yield to the sterile and flat yet sure and safe havens of our mundane reasoning.
And it is this time, when we long for that someone whose only agenda about us is to care. But as much as we want to pull back and hide, we just need to go out there and make our hearts sing again, ask more questions, the hard ones - because we know in our hearts that we can. We can overcome.
When life is hard, I wish you a safe harbor to go back to, until you’re ready to fall in love with being alive again - and again. Stay inspired.
Image by pinkiesandlilies ©
About the Author
I’m a simple woman. Easy to talk to, easy to love. The only complicated thing about me is that I’m a thinker – the moody, pensive and sentimental kind. I like hanging out, but I don’t like shallow or petty conversations, and I hate big egos. I like the long, deep talks that stir my emotions, challenges my core and my opinions, and leaves me with lessons, rather than jokes.
I have been working all my life since college, managed two big careers in the administrative field and presently still grinding and scraping the barrel in my legal profession. Retirement is in the wings.
I’m a wife and a Mom and an empty nester, who has a dog and four cats, four rose bushes, a camera and a journal. You may find me in the home section sniffing candles and essential oils, or picking out a fancy pump bottle for the bathroom .. I am a decorator, too. ~pinkiesandlillies