“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
~Maya Angelou
Tend to Your Soul
Soul exhaustion can happen to anyone at any time because life requires a lot from us. It’s all-consuming. When you’re in the thick of it, it’s easy to withdraw from people you love and crave solitude. Save time to dig deeper into that hollowed-out Soul. Take your time so you can figure out what it is that you need to make your soul feel alive again.
When Silence Speaks the Loudest
“You are on the right path, my Child
Use those messy pieces as stepping stones
Small steps
Gentle sweeps
Small ripples.”
The Present of Presence
As I paddled on the lake this Christmas afternoon, I did not fail to notice:
The beautiful sound of chimes coming from one of the lake houses
My daughter’s spirit as she fearlessly paddled alone to the other end of the lake
The sunlight hitting the waters
The sun on my face
The cool breeze on my face
The squawk of an osprey nesting on the tree
The sound of the water lapping with the strong currents
And then peace in the middle of nowhere…
I am still transforming. I am still evolving-- but in a different way. My transformation has to adapt to our current situation. I have to adapt to the current situation. I don’t have to chase anything at this time. I think that’s what resilience means, for now-- continuing to evolve by just BEing. Not forcing anything. Just let things “light on me”. Then with transformation comes wisdom.
Keeping My Purpose
I know there can be no replacements on who can take over the life I live. The experiences I share. The motivations I give. The love I offer. The work that I am giving my Soul into. No one carries the same message to share with to the world.
Into the Woods
Feeling life flood my being.
I am alive.
By mother nature’s nourishing touch,
I am grateful
For all she provides.
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