“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
~Maya Angelou
When You Feel Your Best
I long for that world again, where you can just play with your friends.
A world where you can live life wholeheartedly.
Living easily in the Present.
Launching yourself on every wave.
Dancing in the middle of nowhere freely in any tune.
But free...and safe.
The Present of Presence
As I paddled on the lake this Christmas afternoon, I did not fail to notice:
The beautiful sound of chimes coming from one of the lake houses
My daughter’s spirit as she fearlessly paddled alone to the other end of the lake
The sunlight hitting the waters
The sun on my face
The cool breeze on my face
The squawk of an osprey nesting on the tree
The sound of the water lapping with the strong currents
And then peace in the middle of nowhere…
The Futility of Putting My Life On Hold
It’s exhausting. It’s tiring. It’s mind-numbing. I need to stay in the moment. I have to find the good. In the present. I need to live a life where I can be here and now. Not blaming the past. Not feeling anxious about what the future holds. Here and now…
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