“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
~Maya Angelou
Show me how to love myself in spite of. Show me tricks without judgment on how to let go. Because now, I can't do anything else but float...and trust-- holding on to the belief that this too shall pass and the knowledge that I am not floating alone in this water called LIFE. I know that I am guided by divine purpose, and as I allow myself to trust in that, I can remain weightless, until it's time to let go of the things that are weighing me down.
That Fairy Tale Challenge
As you read through these lines, know that you are not alone. Know that you are enough– more than enough; even if the only thing that you did today was to pray and breathe. That prayer that you just did? That breathing exercise and meditation that you just finished? Those send energy and vibes into this world depleted of feelings of worthiness.
Solace from the Darkness
I needed to stay here for a while. It is where I can step back and allow the thoughts to rush in. I just let them pass by. The pain feels comfortable or maybe I was so numb that I don’t even feel the pain. Certain realizations that should have left my heart broken, but it didn’t. My heart was sheltered. By walls I put up. Barriers. When did I learn to do that? How did I learn to do that?
You Are Not Broken
You are not broken. Your mind is stubbornly resisting the truth about yourself. You matter. You are enough. You are a Child of God. Accept your own truths.
My Grandma's Legacy
My favorite time of the year was summertime when we go to the rural province to her old two-story wooden home. How I loved that home! Surrounded by big trees and bamboos, it reminds me of otherworldly-creature stories and legends she used to tell. The stairs and the balcony where we would lay down and watch the tree branches and leaves sway, singing with my aunt, or listening to my grandma tell more stories.
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