Wu Wei
My mind is racing with these relentless thoughts. Lots of how’s and what if’s. I can’t get my mind to focus. Aside from the brain fog, this persistent pain I have been having from a dental procedure has taken off my attention to my core. I haven’t listened to my heart lately.
I have also been feeling non-productive and have been beating myself up for staying in bed most of the time. Then came the painful and eventful week that caused so much heartbreak to our family. Difficult choices need to be made. Painful truths to swallow. Hard decisions. The remorse. The bitterness. The anguish. The despair. I could go on and on.
As I write this, I am suffering from fever and chills—I believe may have been caused by the dental procedure. More thoughts course through my mind.
I cannot cry. I could not get myself to.
Image by Koldunov via Shutterstock
Everyone who knows me well, knows that I go into a Balasana (Child’s pose in yoga) when I needed space and time to think, or just go into silence. It’s my own way of “surrendering to the Universe or to the Higher Power”.
One of my favorite Eastern philosophies is the concept of Wu Wei from the Tao Te Ching. It literally means “Do nothing”.
I need do nothing. To find peace, I need do nothing. That realization means relinquishment of manipulation or control of anybody, anything, or any situation.
“To do nothing is to rest and make the place within you where the activity of the body ceases to demand attention.” ~ A Course in Miracles
Sometimes, we think of rest as an excuse for procrastination, motivation, and productivity. But there are times when your body, mind, and soul yearn for that rest that is required to quiet you down— until the dust settles.
I know cannot find peace if my mind is constantly fighting against everything that is currently happening in my life. As long as I am fighting something; as long as my mind struggles, I cannot find the peace that I so long to seek.
“Muddy water let stand, will clear.” ~Tao Te Ching
Image by andreonegin via Shutterstock
When my mind is turbulent, it churns up the mud and stirs my mind until it goes into a downward spiral. I needed to settle down. I needed clarity and peace.
Clarity and peace. Sometimes the best way to gain them is to do nothing. Just let my thoughts float by and just observe. Nothing needs to be controlled, manipulated, nor forced. There is a Divine Power that is in control without me having to stir my already muddied life.
Clarity and peace. I need do nothing. Let the muddy waters settle down until it clears down. It will. Just let it be.
I need do nothing. Just let my Self be. No judgments. Just leave space for and everything will flow as it should be.
As the water settles, I will come into awareness of my truths and how I can authentically express myself in a world full of emotional turmoil.
It starts with me. Just do nothing until I find clarity and peace. Until then-- Nothing to control. Nothing to force. Nothing to judge.
Be Still…
Image by fran_kie via Shutterstock