A Real, Authentic Life
Image by Peggy Perry-Hill ©
Can tears cleanse wounds? They are a saline solution. Do they wash over emotional scars and mend the hurt?
My tears flow like waterfalls. Are they as beautiful? As magnificent? Releasing pain, fear and sometimes joy.
And why were we told not to cry? If crying heals our inner pain. We should have been told to cry, to feel and to be real.
Where do tears go that are left inside? Do they rot or become moldy and corrupt emotions? Or do they simply die?
I have always been a 'cry baby'. Never pulled up my big girl pants. Saggy pants and wet face, my mantra.
My motto, let it flow, laughter or tears. The easier you cry, the better you shall laugh. For they are two sides of the same being.
Messy? Yes, life is one big mess! We spend our time mopping the floor with our tears and sweeping the remnants of healing.
I have never regretted a tear, a smile or an apology. Those are the gems of a life freely lived. A real, authentic life.
Peggy Perry-Hill has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Michigan. She spent many years as a public school teacher. Her goal was always to be a full time writer. She has spent the last 25 years traveling the globe with her husband John Two-Hawks, presenting concerts workshops and retreats. Her mantra has been 'making music and making friends'. Peggy has also written several books with her latest being 'Give Peas a Chance', a nostalgic 60s cookbook which she wrote to hold onto some levity in her life during the pandemic. She has facilitated Women of Wisdom (WOW) retreats for over 15 years. Peggy is the owner of Circle Studios Records and CSR Media Publishing Company. She also hosts a blog called 'Love is a Verb' on her website. Peggy Perry-Hill is a wife, mother, and grandmother who loves writing, music, theater, and culinary arts.