“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
~Maya Angelou
Be Soft
Amid rest and healing, you can find that there is strength within you. In the resting, you can find the softness of acceptance. In the healing, you can see the softness of flexibility and resilience. In the process, you can find that “soft” is what you need—it is that gentle force that will lead you to your Self. Be gentle to who you are becoming.
A Real, Authentic Life
Messy? Yes, life is one big mess! We spend our time mopping the floor with our tears and sweeping the remnants of healing.
I have never regretted a tear, a smile or an apology. Those are the gems of a life freely lived. A real, authentic life.
Spirit Award
SPIRIT AWARD- teamwork. My mind, body, and soul have to be aligned with my real life’s purpose. Team-spirit- the energy I have to put out into the world to make my life’s work come to full fruition. That’s the work I needed to do. Give it a try! This time, you’ll make it.
Focus On Your Love
Focus on your LOVE. That one unique Love that only you can give. To the ones most important to you. That love is your sliver of light. That love will be the outgrowth, an offshoot that you can cling on to haul yourself up.
My Path Towards The Unimaginable
My hope is that you leave some space in your heart for the unimaginable because you are totally worth it. No matter how stuck or undeserving you feel, you are worthy of anything you think is unimaginable. Your heart knows. Your Spirit will guide you. You are a walking, breathing, unimagined dream that has yet to be unleashed. Your life, as it unfolds is a miracle...a sweet reminder of all the beautiful things that you can offer into this world.
Solace from the Darkness
I needed to stay here for a while. It is where I can step back and allow the thoughts to rush in. I just let them pass by. The pain feels comfortable or maybe I was so numb that I don’t even feel the pain. Certain realizations that should have left my heart broken, but it didn’t. My heart was sheltered. By walls I put up. Barriers. When did I learn to do that? How did I learn to do that?
Keeping My Purpose
I know there can be no replacements on who can take over the life I live. The experiences I share. The motivations I give. The love I offer. The work that I am giving my Soul into. No one carries the same message to share with to the world.
Unconditional Love
Unconditional love goes beyond all words,
even perceived limitations,
and is felt in the heart.
This is my own understanding…
…of unconditional love.
Embracing the Light
In the darkness, I can feel my pounding heartbeat slow down. I can hear my intense thoughts give up. I can sense my tensed body loosen up. The filth dissolves. And for at least a little while, I can perceive a sense of normalcy that I haven’t felt in a very long time.
The Futility of Putting My Life On Hold
It’s exhausting. It’s tiring. It’s mind-numbing. I need to stay in the moment. I have to find the good. In the present. I need to live a life where I can be here and now. Not blaming the past. Not feeling anxious about what the future holds. Here and now…
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