The Bounty of Blessings
On Divine Providence
There was a time when my family and I were burdened by the expenses in medical school, because my younger brother was also in college at the same time. We persistently and fervently prayed for God’s help to allow me to finish Medical school.
Image by Freedom Studio via Shutterstock
True to His graciousness, in my Senior year, the Lord gave me the blessing of a scholarship from Winthrop, a drug company sponsoring scholarships for students with financial difficulties. It was a full scholarship with book allowance and even a bonus for a research paper I made at the end of my medical clerkship. Truly, God can never be outdone in generosity.
In the Gospel, Jesus teaches about persistence in prayer.
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” ~Matthew 7:7, KJV
Our Father knows our needs more than we realize. We just have to ask in deep faith and fervent hope for the things that we need and He will surprise us with His graciousness beyond our expectations.
Lord God, thank you for the bounty of blessings that You have already given and for those in store for us. At this time of the pandemic, teach us to pray without ceasing, with fervent joy and gratitude in our hearts , and with courageous faith that You are a caring Father who will answer all our prayers, in Your perfect time that surpasses our expectations, Amen.
And so it is.
Image by Josh Applegate via Unsplash
About the Guest Author: J.M. Lumitao is a professor and past Chair of the Departments of Anatomy and Bioethics at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, and a former secretary of the Southeast Asian Center for Bioethics. She is also a co-author/editor of “Beyond a Western Bioethics: Voices from the Developing World (Clinical Medical Ethics)”; author of Lector’s Guide in Proclaiming God’s Word Year A, B, C and Sa Puso ng Lumang Tipan 1, 2 and 3. She served as Lector/Commentator of the Sacred Heart Parish Shrine in the Philippines since 1989 and Head of the 4 S program (Sacred Heart Sacred Scripture Study) of the parish since 2011 to present.