The Soul to Dare
On Taking Risks
“The will to do, the soul to dare.” ~ Sir Walter Scott
During this time of crises, I guess most of us have already learned “the dance”. You know, the “one step forward, two steps back, twirl until you’re dizzy, fall on the floor, get back up, repeat” dance?
We’ve learned new routines and stay with it to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. We’re still learning new tasks, new ways of life, new habits, new lessons. I try to learn everyday and yet there are days when I feel really crappy. Those are the days when I allow myself to rest and recover.
Small steps for most of us. Just stay safe. Stay alive. Fall back down. Get back up. Repeat. It’s easy to fall into that pattern. I have plenty of excuses to keep the status quo. Besides, taking risks is deemed futile by most during this time.
But what if?...What if I try stepping up and showing up more than I have ever done before? What if I do more than I am doing now.
More showing up.
More of loving more.
More of showing your love.
More pure intentions.
More of doing what you love.
More adventures.
More of trying to reach that mountaintop.
More of allowing myself to be vulnerable.
More of saving the space to manifest what I really want.
More showing up.
More showing up.
Image by Andrew Neel via Unsplash
Taking risks. There are a lot at stake But there are also a lot to be gained.
More courage.
More strength.
More depth.
More knowledge.
More deep relationships.
More human connections.
More to see.
More to see. When you take the risk to get to that mountaintop, you get to see the whole picture. Your vision is clearer. You get to see the whole dance. You get to see humanity, yours, and theirs. You get to see that no matter how small the steps you took, and how many times you stumbled and get hurt and bruised, you are still standing. You are stronger than ever. You are bolder than ever. Your dreams are clearer than ever.
Dare to take that first step. You will always be Divinely guided and protected.
Blessings on your journey!
Image by Renata Killinskaite via Shutterstock