“…there are those who make their decisions based upon convenience—what will be the “easiest” path for them long-term. And then there are those people who make their decisions based upon what their heart needs to maintain its overall well-being, regardless of any backlash that might arise as a result.” ~ L.M. Browning
I do believe in spiritual connections and karmic relations. I also believe in past lives and that we choose the family and people that we build relationships with in this lifetime so that altogether, we learn and evolve towards our highest purpose.
Soul mates, twin flames, karmic connections, and whatever soul connections don’t have to involve romantic partnerships. Soul connections can be between friends, other family members, or with your teacher, mentor, or student. Yes, I believe you can have several soul connections during one lifetime.
These past couple of months have painfully taught me those soul connections don’t have to be forever, nor it/they will come back to you in this lifetime so you can keep learning your soul’s lessons. I have been extra careful with burning bridges or cutting cords because of this erroneous belief system.
A couple of months ago, I had to part ways with someone close to my heart and step away from a relationship that I held sacred believing it was a spiritual connection. Only when I stepped back and looked at the big picture that I realized how unhealthy the relationship was. It involved emotional attachments, codependency, and toxic traits. Once everything came to light, it was painful for me to accept everything that transpired so I can move forward. My colleagues have been a great help with guiding me through painful decisions as I walked away from the relationship. I was certain of my choices taking my well-being into account—mind, body, and soul.
I saw my faults: the attention-seeking and the need to be validated. I saw the boundaries crossed on both sides. I saw how I tried to make things better to keep the relationship even though I know my growth has stunted. I saw unhealthy relationship patterns.
I, since then, began to process how I felt about parting ways with someone whom I respect, and I bore my soul to for years. I know I was emotionally attached but the “dance” between us has got to stop because it no longer served my highest good. I needed a break so I can process everything that just transpired and be clear about how to move on without that person. It was important for me to step back so I can reassess my spiritual growth and make space to realize my own strength and power. I needed to know that I can stand in my own light. I had released our connection as I move on with all the lessons I have learned. I was doing this FOR ME.
Image by Christopher Paul High via Unsplash
Healing through it was unpleasant and sometimes frustrating. I felt lost. Change is one of the many uncertainties of life. But as a cyclic being, I must allow change for my evolution and growth. Karmic relationships can involve pain and suffering but they leave great teachings.
My erroneous belief that soul connections are forever was what kept me hopeful that the relationship can be salvaged, despite all the red flags. But with the help of my life coach and my “circle of like-minded souls”, I was able to step into my power. Not only have I learned that spiritual connections are transient, but I have also learned that I can unbind myself from karmic soul connections. This gave me the breather to look at the patterns in my life that I was ready to release. I knew it was time to release old soul stories and old ways of being that are no longer viable, no matter how painful it may seem. Things are coming up to be healed. This is where I release myself from the trauma of lives past.
I still find it difficult to talk about this experience. This lass doesn’t know how to cry. I thought I needed a healthy ugly cry, but as a great friend said in her lovely Southern belle accent, “Honey, you were grieving the whole time you were in the relationship.” Yet another “a-ha moment”. Should I cry, it would be a cry of release.
As I leave a relationship that is no longer in alignment with who I truly am, I see myself standing in my own power as I speak my truth without seeking anybody’s approval nor validation. I see myself living a healthy lifestyle—mind, body, and soul, as I listen to my intuition. I am protecting my energy as the lost broken fragments of me come HOME to my True Self.
I am calling my Strength. I can still falter but I know I am Divinely guided and supported to withstand the challenges as I cut the cords.
I am calling my Light. I forgive myself and others as I move forward towards my soul’s evolution.
I am calling back my Power. I am cutting cords. I am retrieving my Soul. I relinquish any bonds, soul contracts, or attachments that do not serve my highest good.
“I release all old stories, vows, contracts, and patterns that are no longer aligned with who I came here to be in the present time. I carry the lessons, growth, and gifts, but I no longer choose to live the same story. May I be unbound, unbound, forever unbound.” ~ Rebecca Campbell/Work Your Light Oracle Cards
Image by Jacob_09 via Shutterstock