Which One Are You Feeding?
Image by Jozef Klopacka via Shutterstock
The Tale of the Two Wolves
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”
He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
I bet almost everyone has read the Tale of the Two Wolves quite a few times. I come across it at least once a week on social media. I thought it gives us something to ponder upon and I leave it at that…until I was confronted with that question from a different perspective.
I have been working with my new life coach for a couple of months now (yes life coaches have life coaches as well, just as therapists have therapists). I have attended her group calls before until I finally committed to working with her as part of my growth process. I am so grateful to have found her and for our connection.
So, back to THE TWO WOLVES. During one of our sessions where I was complaining and b***ing as usual, she stopped me on track, and she asked me if I’ve heard about the Tale of the Two Wolves. So together, we accounted the tale.
After which, she told me to retell every grievance and thought I had earlier on; and with every concept, she’d ask, “SO, WHICH WOLF ARE YOU FEEDING this time?” This painstakingly went on and on until the end of the session. I was left astonished but the energy of what has transpired was moving through my mind, body, and soul. I never thought of it that way! I WILL NEVER LOOK AT THE TALE THE SAME WAY AGAIN. EVER.
That question, “WHICH ONE ARE YOU FEEDING?” has become my mantra with every thought, every trigger that comes across me.
“WHICH ONE ARE YOU FEEDING?” This question pops out every time a thought sends me spiraling down. It’s right in my face every time I get triggered by a concept, by the news, by social media posts, or by a friend’s or family member’s scornful words. It kept me MINDFUL of how I react and respond to different life circumstances.
“WHICH ONE ARE YOU FEEDING?” Life is full of challenges. The challenge is to keep our hearts open, to allow what is holding you to fall away. Being MINDFUL of allowing or holding on, I realize that I am worthy of peace and joy.
“WHICH ONE ARE YOU FEEDING?” Being human is a courageous act. It allows me to accept myself just as I am—that I am worthy of love and acceptance.
“WHICH ONE ARE YOU FEEDING?” Instead of thinking of my life’s challenges as an obstacle, what if I think of them as a blessing. That life is happening for me and not to me. What if I keep in constant gratitude—that I am worthy of kindness and generosity?
“WHICH ONE ARE YOU FEEDING?” So what if I fail? I can always get up from the rock bottoms that life has been dragging me into. Sometimes, I appreciate the solace of those “rock bottoms”. I learn humility, trust, and faith.
“WHICH ONE ARE YOU FEEDING?” I am but human. There are times I tend to react impulsively to words thrown upon me. But I keep on growing through my mistakes. I keep on learning; despite the shaming I get from those who unknowingly do me harm. I learn empathy, compassion, and self-love.
“WHICH ONE ARE YOU FEEDING?” As I constantly ask myself this question, the more I become MINDFUL of my interactions—with myself and others. I have learned to be kind to myself during self-talks. And more so, as I continue to “feed the good wolf”, it helped me step into my power.
This has been the foundation that helped me hold steady as I move forward towards my soul’s growth. I know, soon, I will look back at this experience in awe as I work my way towards a new mindset—the one that feeds the GOOD that is inside me.
My hope is that as you open your heart and mind to new possibilities, as you become MINDFUL of feeding the “good wolf” in you. The good that is in you. The GOOD that is YOU.
And so it is…
Image by Erni via Shutterstock
“You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.” ~ Brené Brown