“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
~Maya Angelou
The Witching Hour
There I find the NOW that I seek. And that gives myself the freedom to JUST BE. There I find the PRESENT that often eludes me in my waking hours. No past nor regrets to think about. No future to worry upon. Just the NOW. How I feel NOW. What my mind is thinking or not thinking. What my heart is feeling. But most of all, what SPIRIT is telling me...NOW. JUST BE. PRESENT. NOW.
That Sucker Punch
Keep faith. Sometimes we have to go through the darkness to find the answers. To rediscover your light. To find your power. To keep on going.
That Blanket Fort
So, welcome to my blanket fort. Just know that I can be overbearing and unlikeable at times. That I can feel anxious and helpless and sad. That I might push people away from my blanket. That I might pull more than enough of the blanket for myself. But if you stay and know me and my struggles, and are willing to put up with me, then you are welcome to stay. That's when I know you are in my circle. That you are my tribe. Just bear with me.
If you Build It, They Will Come...
I now understand how people need genuine connection. It does not involve numbers and equations of what I'm worth or what you're worth. But I can sit by you. My soul craves for real connections with likeminded people. How are you feeling? When was the last time you cried? Tell me what you are grateful for. Why do you feel vulnerable? What beauty do you see? What sparks the light within you?
The Love I Deserve
Last night was the last straw. I felt the need to distance myself. I need honest and straightforward people. I am tired of sorting out people in my life.
Embracing My New Path
No need to rush for things that are bound to happen. It will happen in the right place, at the right time, and with the right intentions….
For now, I just need to focus on my new path with bigger visions and much bigger intentions…
This is my path now. The one I need to give my time and focus on. With ease and very little pressure.
Women Empowering Women
“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.” — Serena Williams
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